View Profile FlukeDude
The programmer formerly known as souled



Joined on 9/18/06

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FlukeDude's News

Posted by FlukeDude - July 19th, 2008

From this thread....

Hey there,

I'm creating a game named One Man Band (like Rock Band, by yourself), which has an engine already created, and I am now in the process of deciding on tracks for the game. Due to the fact I'm not on the audio scene much, and rather than me just choosing the highest rated songs, I'd like to hear of some recommendations from you guys! :)

In my game you'll be able to play with three instruments, so songs with around or exactly that number would be perfect. I'd also like to hear what genres you'd prefer to see in the game (I can't use too many songs), and of course songs you'd like to see included.

Another important (though annoying) thing about my game is that all the instruments have to be seperate tracks, so that if you miss notes on one of the tracks I can silence it. So if any of you have songs you'd like to be included and have the instruments available seperately, that would be fantastic!

Wow, that was a lot. Just a quick sum up of what I need:

-Tracks with around three instruments
-Tracks that I'll be able to get the different instruments seperately
-What genres you want


Posted by FlukeDude - June 21st, 2008

oh the guilt.... :(


Posted by FlukeDude - June 1st, 2008

Well I've started "just another" Wordpress blog, called Mindless Games. I'm gonna fill it up with lots of content, which I couldn't do as easily before with Tagteam Studios (which btw has gone down). When I start making some more games over the summer and if I get lots of people interested in the blog then I'll get a domain for it, and add lots of extra stuff.

I've already written my first tutorial on it on Path Finding, with a clear step by step guide. I'd love to get some feedback on it.


Posted by FlukeDude - May 22nd, 2008

IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY! :) (May 22nd)

Posted by FlukeDude - May 6th, 2008

Well I'd like to introduce you to two projects that I've been working on slightly, which I believe should excite you a lot! (Though they mean a heck of a lot of work for me)

Your Game

Yes, this game is in fact your game, because you can draw the character, enemies and customize so much! Plus the character will automatically move about for you! Check out a demo of drawing and walking about as your character so far here!

Phoenix Wright Flash Case Maker

My most ambitious project ever, and turning out to be harder than ever to make. Basically you'll be able to easily make your own case, add cross examinations and do all those brilliant stuff you can do in the courts - in a user friendly environment! Plus you'll be able to share your trials with others; everything will be saved in a text file, and you can send that to them so they can play it! At the moment I'm trying to think of a better name, and I don't think I commercialize this either, though I'd like to hear your opinion on it. :)

Now striving away from those ambitious actionscript projects, I've started to enjoy animating again. I'm making the menu and have designed a sig for the Portal Collab (you should join!) and I recently contributed in two animations. Oh, and I'm making a part for the Metal gear Collab (and it's not cardboard box or codec related either ^^).

Well I hope you enjoy those two projects once finished (I may need encouraging), here's a pic to top everything off!

A lot, yet so little done...

Posted by FlukeDude - April 30th, 2008

Phoenix Pico!

New movie out for Pico day which I started yesterday! Hope you enjoy. Actually it didn't take as long as I feared it would and I think it turned out well, plus I wanted to contribute to Pico Day. ^.^
I'd like to thank my two brilliant voice actors (and er... me) Kajome and Deven Mack without whom this movie would be a load of people moving their mouths retardedly.

Happy Pico Day!

P.S. If you haven't already check out Phoenix Madness!

Posted by FlukeDude - March 31st, 2008

Cosmic Trail 2 and Website!

So it was always intended to launch the website with Cosmic Trail 2. Well the website went up slightly earlier with some problems, but now everything's great, including a great new Tower Defense Tutorial. I'm proud of Cosmic Trail 2, it's the game I wanted the prequel to be, which failed so dismally.

I'd also like some Affiliates for the website, it's looking sad and lonely on the right. :(

Hope you enjoy the new game!

Cosmic Trail 2 and Website

Posted by FlukeDude - March 14th, 2008


Myself and theafroguy have been working together to create Cosmic Trail 2. It's ALMOST complete, all it now needs is some menu music, tutorials and maybe a bit of polishing. We'd always planned from the start that this game and our website would be launched together. This would then bring a flood of people to enter our (even I admit) sweet looking website.

I know it looks horrible at the moment, but wait till you see it up. And then think how previously theafroguy knew next to nothing about HTML, CSS and Javascript. I'm incredibly impressed with it so far, and hopefully you guys will too. I'm also writing a number of tutorials for it, and producing content for the labs. So look out for them!

Oh and if you'd like to be an affiliate before the rush of people due to the new game being launched then say now. Trust me, it will look A LOT better. :P

Posted by FlukeDude - February 27th, 2008

Not much to say. tagteam studios is being created, and comments on the blog entries have been promised! Cosmic Trail 2 is on its way, and possibly a clever platformer after it.

Oh, and still looking for possible affiliates. :)

Posted by FlukeDude - February 23rd, 2008

Here's the code, for this, creating this:

//create an invisible movie clip across the entire stage using API
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("base", 1);
with (base) {
lineStyle(2, 0x0000000, 0);
beginFill(0x00000000, 0);
lineTo(Stage.width, 0);
lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height);
lineTo(0, Stage.height);
lineTo(0, 0);
//whether to pan or not
level_pan = false;
//tile size
tile_size = 50;
// pan variables
pan_dist = 50;
pan_speed = 5;
// tiles array generation
tiles = [[0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 2, 1], [1, 2, 1, 2], [0, 0, 1, 0]];
// bombs array generation
bombs = [[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0]];
// creating the level movieclip
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("level", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
// placing tiles
for (x=0; x<tiles.length; x++) {
for (y=0; y<tiles[x].length; y++) {
if (tiles[y][x]) {
placed = level.attachMovie("tile", "tile"+level.getNextHighestDepth(), level.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:x*tile_size, _y:y*tile_size});
// placing bombs
for (x=0; x<bombs.length; x++) {
for (y=0; y<bombs[x].length; y++) {
if (bombs[y][x]) {
level.attachMovie("bomb", "bomb"+level.getNextHighestDepth(), level.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:x*tile_size, _y:y*tile_size});
// centering level
level._x = (Stage.width-tiles.length*tile_size)/2 ;
level._y = (Stage.height-tiles[0].length*tile_siz e)/2;
level.onEnterFrame = function() {
//if mouse is on stage
if (level_pan) {
//stopping level leaving screen
//too high
if (level._y<=0) {
level._y = 0;
//too low
if (level._y>=Stage.height-level._height) {
level._y = Stage.height-level._height;
//too far to the left
if (level._x<=0) {
level._x = 0;
//too far to the right
if (level._x>=Stage.width-level._width) {
level._x = Stage.width-level._width;
// panning level
// pan right
if (_root._xmouse<pan_dist) {
level._x += pan_speed;
// pan left
if (_root._xmouse>Stage.width-pan_dist) {
level._x -= pan_speed;
// pan down
if (_root._ymouse<pan_dist) {
level._y += pan_speed;
// pan up
if (_root._ymouse>Stage.height-pan_dist) {
level._y -= pan_speed;
//when mouse is on stage pan
base.onRollOver = function() {
level_pan = true;
//when mouse leaves stage stop panning
base.onRollOut = function() {
level_pan = false;